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Bob Tedrow

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About Bob Tedrow

  • Birthday 10/04/1953

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Heavyweight Boxer

Heavyweight Boxer (5/6)

  1. Twenty years ago, I sent one of my concertinas on a tour of the world. It arrived home safely along with a log book that held comments from tour recipients Here is the log book, is your name here? http://hmi.homewood.net/tour/
  2. Twenty years ago, I sent one of my concertinas on a tour of the world. It arrived home safely along with a log book that held comments from tour recipients Here is the log book, is your name here? http://hmi.homewood.net/tour/
  3. Http://hmi.homewood.net/ http://hmi.homewood.net/concertinas
  4. I have one for you Http://hmi.homewood.net/concertinas call the shop
  5. Available
  6. From C&S #13 some time in the previous century Product placement using cigarettes to sell concertinas? Reprinted with total disregard for social norms
  7. From the Way Back machine, C&S #20 summer 1989 Cogent comments from the bench of the celebrated Frank Edgley Reprinted with no regard for permission whatsoever.
      • 3
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  8. I’ve given you my 2¢ worth in a private message
  9. Before buying a “vintage” concertina with “real” concertina reeds. Be sure your seller knows what they have. In many instances and in complete innocence you may receive a pig in a poke.
  10. I have the ICC “Vintage” 30b c/g in stock now http://hmi.homewood.net/
  11. I am impressed
  12. I have some likely suspects Http://hmi.homewood.net/concertinas
  13. My point is that there is little consensus on what comprises a Jeffries system
  14. From my experience,most people prefer the first button too RH to have a push C# rather than a pull C#
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