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Chapter seven of Judy's harum scarum Hayden tutorial

---------------- Section One -----------------

Here's the second half of the Tombigbee waltz, with "t1", "t2", etc to
show where the tunelets fall (and you are welcome -- encouraged -- to
experiment with other ways of breaking up the tune!)

T:Tombigbee Waltz, second half
"t1"d || g2d | g2 d | e>dc | d2 "t2"B | BAA | ABd | e2 d | B2 "t3"d |
g2d | g2 d | e>dc | d2 "t4"B | BAA | ABd | edF | G2 ||

And, fingerings, and diddley for the rhythm, where the first dee is
the last note of the first half of the tune:

2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2
dee || dmmm dee | dmmm dee | dee-da dee | dmmm
d g2 d g2 d e > d c d2

This pattern: e>d (a dotted quarter followed by a sixteenth)

is a common rhythmic pattern: basically, a dee held a little longer,
and followed by a very short da.

The rest of tune is really just freebies. T2 is the same as T2 in the
first half:

3 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3
dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dmmmm dee dmmmm
B B A A A B d e-- d B

Tunelet 3 is the same as the Tunelet 1 that you learned just now, in
the beginning of the second half, going up to the high g:

2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2
dee || dmmm dee | dmmm dee | dee-da dee | dmmm
d g2 d g2 d e > d c d2

AND, Tunelet 4 is the same as the tunelet ending the first half, back
in Chapter 6, going down to that curveball #F:

3 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 1
dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dmmmm
B B A A A B d e d #F G--

So once you've learned each one, trying sticking them together to

play the whole tune.


And then, when you're comfortable with playing the whole tune in

your right hand, learn to play it with your left hand....

You might need to print out the music and work out the left hand
fingerings on paper! Or, if you're feeling bold, just dive in and

use L3 for R1, L2 for R2, and L1 for R3: that works very nicely,

if you can do it without getting all tangled up.

But by all means, if you find you can't do it on the fly, do it on
paper and take the time to get comfortable. NOTHING in music
substitutes for taking the time to learn things slowly and well.


NOW, you know the tune in both hands, and you can play both

sides at the same time! That might also take some work to get

coordinated; if you need to, go back to one tunelet at a time,

using two hands.


Playing a tune in both hands at once is the easiest way (on the

Hayden, at least!) of playing harmonies.


And, it has a nice fat sound! Get those neighbors all dancing.

Next time I'll finally get into creating a harmony that's a little more

complex and interesting than just doubling the tune in the left hand.


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