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As I read the words of some of those having shoulder and wrist pain, I begin to wonder if a midi instrument might not simplify the playing such that those who might have to give up the instrument could thus continue to play. Could the instrument rest on a table (no weight to bear)? Could the instrument be played solely from pressing the buttons with no push/pull required?


I will defer to those who have actually seen, handled and tried such an instrument to address this aspect of the midi as an alternative musical instrument.




The S-Wave instrument can be set up to play without any reference to it's internal pressure sensor. The output volume would be fixed, of course, and such a set up could not be applied to an Anglo (diatonic) type of instrument.


If it was used in this mode then the S-Wave instrument could also be played with the ends side by side as they are when in it's storage case (see below). I don't know if this may be more comfortable for some people.




I suspect that playing such an instrument would become a bit dull after a time but maybe some expression control could be provided by a pedal (or two) to control volume and/or vibrato, tremolo...



S-Wave Instruments

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